Fun Facts

Blog Population Math The brand new Census data has just been released and it is fascinating! Colorado’s population now sits just below 6 million people at 5.773 million.  Just 20 years ago it was 4.301 million. Northern Colorado is booming and now has 688,047 in Larimer and Weld Counties.  It grew by 135,592 people in just ten years.  […]
Blog 100 / 90 / 60 As you’ve probably heard, prices have gone up quite a bit along the Front Range. Low interest rates, strong demand, lower supply, and a healthy local economy are all contributing to increased prices. It may interest you to see exactly how much prices have increased since one year ago in the markets where we have […]
Blog A List Not Made Us Coloradoans are used to making many top-10 lists. Whether it be best place to live, best place to retire, best place to raise a family, or best place to own real estate, you can usually find a Colorado town or two on these types of lists. But, here’s one we didn’t make… The 10 […]
Blog Listing Averages While a lot of attention has been paid to increasing sales prices along the Front Range, it is also interesting to look at the average price of properties currently listed for sale. Did you know, for instance, that the average list price of all the properties currently for sale in Metro Denver is $887,000. Meanwhile, […]
Blog Double Up Here’s an interesting stat based on the most recent U.S. Census. (although you won’t be surprised to hear this) Since 1990, Colorado’s rate of population growth is double the Nation’s rate of population growth. Here are the numbers since 1990: 30.3% growth in the U.S. 62.3% growth in Colorado So, the Nation grows at roughly […]
Blog Inventory Uptick We are noticing a trend that is very good news for buyers. Inventory has been increasing over the last month which means that buyers now have more properties to consider. Just in the last week, the number of homes for sale has increased: 13% in Larimer County 12% in Weld County 11% in Metro Denver […]
Blog Local Nuances “All markets are local” is a commonly used phrase in real estate. This adage is proving to be true as we notice slight changes recently in the market. Bottom line, the market, in some locations, is not behaving exactly like it did even 30 days ago. Properties that perhaps would have received 10 or more […]
Blog High Average If you watch the weekly statistics that we produce and post on social media, a number that might be jumping off the screen at you is the average price. Specifically, it is the percentage increase in average price versus last year that is striking. We are commonly asked ‘how could average prices increase 20% to […]
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